Saturday, 18 July 2015

Organising the inside - while it's getting colder outside

So we have been in Melbourne for nearly two years and in that time we really hadn't unpacked our book collection and sorted it out. Recently we changed that situation.

A little win-fall meant we could finally afford to go to Ikea and get our wall units to complete the blank wall at Hill Shadow House. 4 Standard size Billy's and a small one with doors meant we could cover the whole wall.

A couple of wall fixers were added to make it safe and extra stable (kids you know), and here is what we ended up with.

They filled the gap perfectly!

With the books added they are starting to look like home!Yes they are alphabetical by author or series (i.e. Star Trek is under "S")

Notice the way we featured the wall light and created a cupboard for the girls art suppliers - or what I like to call the crap and messy cupboard. But the girls do like to draw, paint, cut, stick and general get their art on!

The wet cold days certainly allow us to explore other parts of Hill Shadow House - and it's a nice change to build something and get our books out of the boxes and temporary locations.

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